Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Wedding of a lifetime part II

As the world gets ready to witness Princess Diana's Legacy become a Husband. I think about my current relationship and how committed I am to it.

Of course my relationship consist of me and myself, and the willingness to accept who I am.

As I listen to the chatter of Celebrity wedding advice, people on the street talking about the love of their partners or lack there of I must remind myself :

No Matter What!

For richer or for poorer

For better or worse

in sickness and in health

I am committed to living my best life,

I am committed to the principals of

honesty, humility, compassion, and the

willingness to arrest behaviors that contradict this value
system I aspire to.

Now, I grew up in a small town with a mother who treated Christianity how junkies treat crack (So I believed at the time), and a father who's lessons always invoked TheHoly Qu'ran.

As a gay kid the message of my parents beliefs got lost in their inability to deal with a gay child

(I dont blame them at all)

But what I didn't realized is through all the whining about church, and the praying five times a day a foundation was laid, and

it doesn't mean I have to adopt either of my parents religions

but after living a life without the chore principals that were bred in me as a child I realize that they living a life with


gives my relation ship with my self a chance!

I've lived a life divorced from myself, hiding from my true feelings believing I wasn't worth it.

Today I know that I'm worth it, and I believe you are too and I hope that you can/do learn to actively love yourself too.

Life for the past month hasn't been easy for me, and the whole time I've been wallowing in self pity repeating words like

I can't
What's the point

And I got side tracked from My true self!

I was forgetting that no matter how I feel,

especially when I don't feel like it

I must remember to get up and go for it.

To remember how I want to live and do it.

That's the best way to love me for me.

I think that would be my advice to Will and Kate! any couple. like Ru says,

"If you can't love your self................"