Here is one of the first lies we are taught as children to shield us from "Inevitable" pains of life.
The Truth will set you free.
A family member of mine was in disbelief that she was called the "N" word and then asked what era do we live in.
My Aunt Betty taught me that just because it's not said to your face, that doesn't mean it's not being said.
This Fall seems to be the season where hate is coming to another head in our country, with the highly everyday occurrences that
I as a "gay" "black"
Freedom till death do we two part!
But what of these words, Nigga, Fagot?
I grew up hearing the pain of the life in the 60's from my 90 year old Great Grand Mother and my Grandmother and her siblings who Marched on Washington for Jobs and Equality.
I see how the Generations after me took ownership of the word Nigga and use it in their culture (many "race"'s I've heard use it as a term of endearment).
But tell this to my Nana and she'd turn in her grave if she hasn't already one hundred times over. To her it was like being whipped with chains all over again! I am sensitive to this.
At the age of 15 I was exposed to ACT UP, (dot org) and I heard our "LGBT" family own and use the word faggot in the same way! Most members of the group, my roomate included went even had the word tatood on thier body's.
As a strong believer that
I feel that trying to put a word in the closet is just
living in the lies,
and secrets that drive our world into
underage prostitution,
child molestation,
and denial.
All of these things are diseases that the world refuses to talk about.
Oprah talked about molestatin and other taboo's in the 80's but how much did that week change how we live life today. Mothers continue to let boyfriends they've known for less than a year watch their children with complete trust (yes not every ones a child predator but how do you think child predators get child access moms? Boyfriends are not Babysitter!!!) I digress?
The Point? Taboo subjects live and grow cancerous especially when we keep them in the dark.
I believe as long as we continue to not scold every one who uses any form of the "N" word, (Negro is it's root word) The blacks, the whites the reds and the browns, and are highly ignored yellows (mmhhmm) people for using the word when they are with in hearing distance we have no right to scold anyone for using it, especially if we have used it ourselves jokingly (in the private of our own home/friends). (or in our blogs to get a point accross that migh be missed)
Bottom line is we have no control how these words have grown and will evolve in our society, and honestly
it's not the words that hurt us
it is the unwillingness to DO(an ACTIVE word) something to change the intent behind these words!
this Nigga/faggot is out!
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