Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The PATH to Friendship!

My good friend Frank has introduced me to a Secret Society!

PATH (application on my IPhone)

Path is somewhat like twitter, the difference is its pictures!

first you take a picture, you say what it is (THing), then where you are (Place) and it shows your pic time place and thing on a grid with your friends shared pics, thing and place. So through out the day where ever are in the world you can share a joke, or a drink or a

"Did you see Miss thing with the Silver Red and Shit green Hair holding 300 barbie dolls on the train?"

The thing is I only have ten to fifteen friends. So you may ask what's the point?

Well, I think it's nice to be on a social network where I'm not overwhelmed by so much chatter, or friends who aren't really friends, which I don't mind, but with in one day in New York one can accrue ten new facebook friends and there is sooooo much info on a facebook page that going to see what my friends are doing on PATH

My ten friends is so much more fun and relaxing and I feel like its a twitcation!

And so now I love it so much I'm ready to share my Path'ology with the rest of my friends!

It's FUN! so if you have or dont have an IPhone, cause you can join Path online at

join put my name in and join the party!

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