Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shoot em' Up Bang Bang

It's becoming more and more clear to me that I live and always have lived in a dangerous world. People with in a block of where I lay my head down are being killed every night.

For the past month I've heard gunfights starting at 3am, going off and on till 4am, no cops, no news articles the next day, no break in this new alarming alarm system.

I've been staying in the Bronx, a place that seems to have a reputation of danger, gang violence, and over population. But I've lived in three separate parts of the Bronx, and two of these places I've never seen cops. It almost seems as if some one came into the Bronx with a boat load of guns and semi-automatics and said, "Here Have fun"!

Now if I just didn't experience a gun fight in Brooklyn near Prospect Park/Lefforts Garden, I'd think this was just a Bronx thing.

Crime is New York is up 17% from last year. Every weekend a "reported" 20 people have been shot and killed in the past month. "Reported" means they made the news, they were in neighborhoods, like the West Village, Chelsea, Harlem, Downtown Brooklyn, middle class Queens neighborhoods, or that they happen to an upper middle class family or were caused by a drunk or out of line policeman.

But what about the shootings we don't hear about. I mean as I sit here typing this article bullets are flying not two blocks away and this has been every night, but I have yet to hear it in the news. I have yet to hear Police Cars speeding in to save the day.

So how do we fix this?

Do we even care to?

If you think this doesn't effect you, think about this.....

 As this country looses more jobs, and the poor get poorer, and the middle class become homeless

more women get rapped,

more stores get robbed,

more children have nothing to do,

more shootings at night,

and if you think its just going to stay in one neighborhood ....

Your in for a rude awakening!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific piece! Thanks much for writing this. Passionately felt and all the more powerful because of your open passion.

    So tragic ...
