Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's time for a Revolution "homosexuals are People too!"

I am mad and I'm not going to take it anymore! I from this moment forward, though I might have been doing this already, devote my life to promoting Life to Gay kids and adults everywhere!

Yes Dan Savage is right "It does get better!" It will get better. For those who have yet to discover how to reach out. I'd like to do what ever I can with the help of every one who is committed to the cause to reach out.

Two kids (that we know of thanks to facebook,) killed themselves were pushed beyond shame to the point of no return two more needless deaths in a society that openly and passionately condemns homosexuality.

This is so beyond The fuck ups in Washington and the election year manipulation of DADT, or the other unconstitutional anti civil, anti freedom, anti every man laws on the books in all fifty states.

Honestly, the next kid I here call some one a faggot on the street will get a lesson, I don't care if he's 40 and coming out of the New York Sports Club as big as Mike Tyson.

It's time to educate not just to tolerate but to alleviate hate!

Who is with me?

At thirteen years old. I struggled with knowing I was different, I was called a sissy, by adults, a faggot by school mates, mostly behind my back and I had a family that like most families thought that this was my one way ticket to hell and I was worth less because of being gay.

I took pills one morning and tried to end my life. I was committed to it being over. By the grace of Allah (yes Allah you idiot uneducated tea party kkk, racists) (alot is going on in this country) I lived through it. I didn't want to at the time but the God (of my understanding) had a plan for me and here I am today fired up and not just angry but in pain.

It hurts to here about the thirteen year old boy who shot himself in Houston TX. this morning. It hurts to here about a young gay man jumping off of Manhattans highest bridge because of his Homophobic roomate who broadcasted his sexual exploration to the world.

We must be reasponsible for the un educated around us. We must fight for the the freedoms and rights of every man woman and child and not let insensitive uneducated comments or actions take place infront of us around us, ect.

can you really take another senseless death

(in loving memory of Daniel Juva)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breast!!!! They've Gone to far!!!!

I began the week laughing while watching a re-run of SNL, I was told about Sesame Streets obsession with Katty Perry's Breasts (esess) and I Thought,

"What four year old is going to lunge at Katty Perry's Breast???"

I was reminded of the my "Opinion" that as we grow older we as adults become very narrow minded. We as adults teach our children to make "BIG DEALS" out of what would be as noticeable as the color or the wall behind Elmo.

Hey Sesame St. Why are you so Breast focused shouldn't you be more in the mindset of the children you entertain? How many kids just had them in there mouth, How many kids have mothers with "Big Ones"? We don't care and those of you who do need to start dealing with your issues

Now if you live in New York City or have a million magazine subscriptions you might have had a glimpse at the new ABSOLUTE VODKA campaign and the 20 breast that are suppose to represent your thirst.(86st 4/5/6 train station)

Now my first thought is wow that's a lot of cleavage, then, where are the pecs, and after that, what are they doing? I mean billboard after billboard looked like the cover of Hustler Magazine,

Why aren't Parents up and arms about this!?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Political Activism

This week i found myself particularly angry at how politicians were calculating moves and votes and what to do next, not because it would be better for the country but because it would be better for their re-election campaigns.

This calculating and manipulating is nothing new from are supposed leaders, but when as it usually does, attributes to nothing getting done, new laws that amount to minimal changes to old ones, and stalemate.

So what do we do? Do we get all KKKrazy and march with the tea party putting new calculating manipulating people in office?

Well, unfortunately yes!

We fight to put 2008 Obama like people in office that have a fire for change. But we must learn that getting fired up over a politician and putting our full support behind them isn't just a one time thing. We must hold our leaders ACCOUNTABLE!

We must make ask ourselves first, "Even if it hurts is it the best thing for the country?" (Letting the tax cuts expire)

and let our elected officials know how we feel because i we don't we then forfeit our chance to effect the change that we want.

Think about that!