Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cold hearts Hot topics

The funny thing is this is only the second assault on my senses of the day!

I woke up at three o'clock this morning and couldn't sleep. I forced myself not to get up and eat or start reading a book because I knew I needed more sleep to function in the morning!

I woke up two hours late! I took a breath and decided to let go of any discomfort that would manifest itself in me yelling at anyone who walks to slow or cuts me off or stands in front of the entrance to the subway on their Gosh Darn Cell phone.

I breathed got dressed and walked to the subway. Noticing my tension and low tolerance for the irritating I reminded myself that the "MORNING RUSH" is an explosive place and any sudden movements breezes or touches could set more than just me off!

So I went to switch trains accidentally stepping on the back of this man's shoe making it come off and I saw him clench his fist and scream "GOD DAMB!"

I was already past him racing to the A train on the other side of the platform about to say sorry (I did loud enough for anyone only a centimeter away to hear) and he looked back wondering who was the culprit! So now I'm on the packed A train Sardine's over stuffed in Tin and not 30 seconds after grabbing one of three seats eyed by those on the platform before the train doors even open, This women in dreads explodes on this (please dont fight back) tall scrawney man in a business suit.




his hand comes up up up

"Mr. If you touch me or my clothes or the air one foot in front of me I'm gonna SMACK YOU UPSIDE YOUR HEAD"

The air was sooooo think and people were soooo uncomfortable that no one knew what to do!

I thought this was the perfect time for those people who sing for money to just break out in song to cut the tension but instead we were all stuck together.

The Her still next to him, hoping that that was the end of it. hoping that he would just let her get out her yell and not respond and help with the escalation.

Hoping that the ignorant people who keep talking about the situation like the two people can't here them would shut up.

I was behind the women taking a stand only after hearing the man comment on how much space she was taking.

Its Rush hour dude get over it!

And after that thought shoot she should get over it too!

But mostly I was reflecting.
In her
" loud assaulting, confrontational,
"Don't fuck with me today cause I am not the one" attitude"

I felt assaulted, I felt her irritability on top of my own and it completely diffused mine and brought me to a place that made me feel helpless and fear wondering if we would all make it off the train with out the cops or a beat down or a race riot.

And that was only the first hour of being awake this morning!

I get the paper when I get off the train and the photo of a SoHo Billboard

"The Most Dangerous Place for and African American is in the womb"

Is the womb the number one killer of African Americans?

Do they have a horrible education system in the womb?

Is SoHo the most African American fluent neighborhood in New york?

Is there an Abortion clinic in SoHo that only aborts African Americans from all over America every time one gets pregnant so that we finally kill those runaway slaves once and for all heheheh!

Am I going insane!!!!!!!!

if you have a chance to click here

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The PATH to Friendship!

My good friend Frank has introduced me to a Secret Society!

PATH (application on my IPhone)

Path is somewhat like twitter, the difference is its pictures!

first you take a picture, you say what it is (THing), then where you are (Place) and it shows your pic time place and thing on a grid with your friends shared pics, thing and place. So through out the day where ever are in the world you can share a joke, or a drink or a

"Did you see Miss thing with the Silver Red and Shit green Hair holding 300 barbie dolls on the train?"

The thing is I only have ten to fifteen friends. So you may ask what's the point?

Well, I think it's nice to be on a social network where I'm not overwhelmed by so much chatter, or friends who aren't really friends, which I don't mind, but with in one day in New York one can accrue ten new facebook friends and there is sooooo much info on a facebook page that going to see what my friends are doing on PATH

My ten friends is so much more fun and relaxing and I feel like its a twitcation!

And so now I love it so much I'm ready to share my Path'ology with the rest of my friends!

It's FUN! so if you have or dont have an IPhone, cause you can join Path online at

join put my name in and join the party!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Do You have Lumbar Support?

My friends Vicki and Frank owned a VW Bug once and they use to always comment on how it had Lower back support Aka "Lumbar" Support!

Ever Since then Lumbar has been the code word for I got your back among my friends.

Today marks a very important day in Lumbar Support! I say to the idiots, and yes I judge you as idiots who don't realize that just like Valentines Day is a made up holiday so is your every holiday that exist, so is your religion so is the word "Monday"!

Instead of saying "Fuck Valentine's day" just because your alone, or fighting with your partner or don't want to admit your feelings to yourself.....

How about give yourself some Lumbar Support!

If you haven't figured it out by now, YOU are the Best Valentine your ever gonna get!

And If you aint lovin you No one else will!

Love & Peace