Monday, July 5, 2010

Back to work

With the biggest learned life lesson being, "The place your most afraid of going, usually is the one and only place that can heal yourself" I decided to go to Lancaster Pa., the place I was born staying with the family that answers the the question, "Who am I and Where do I come from".

What a sentence that was!

Today is day 11. I do not recomend sobering up with family I think its forced me to face some things head on and really ask myself how far am I willing to go this time. My sponsor would say "One day at a time Shareef" and I get it it makes sense, but part of my healing is bringing myself physically to the place where the root of my pain began. And not only the root but the history and domino effect passed down from generation to generation so I can learn, "What ab out my negative living was learned at home and what part did I get from the world?" And then I'll have a better idea of how to deal with living with my self as myself.

I'm contemplating no sex for a year, "One Day at a time"! may just 90's.

My last attempt at being completely sober lasted for 9 months and I did a multi-prong system, therapy, Na, and CMA meetings, and service, and regular outings with my sober friends.

There is a power greater than me that has let me know over this last binge that I am worth it, I'm hear for a reason and I have yet to complete my destiny.

So ya better watch out cause I'm going back to work (on myself)

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