Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Election Selection & The KKKrazy's

I woke up this morning to news of the KKKrazy's (Tea Party Supporters) were caught on tape at a rally beating up a girl who was an Obama Supporter.

Nevada Republi(K)an (K)andidate Sharon Angle's new add. showing how we we have to protect our white kids against the big bad scary Spanish speaking Mexicans. (with pictures not with words)

You might say,

"What's this world coming to?"

Well, honey if you think this is a new thing you must be living in a bubble.

First. The Fighting, CNN articles on the even call it "Voter Passion",

I call it UN-educated Insanity!

I believe when we let states set education standards and the states in the middle move more and more away from science and math and art and language and geography and ....

And move towards Christian Sunday School classes and moral based lessons we are breading the Tea Party future members who are afraid to live with darker collections and aren't educated to know that the land they live on was taken at gunpoint from the Fore-Fathers of the Spanish speaking mostly American Citizens they fight so hard to devalue, discriminate and disenfranchise.

It is our fault that we believe that just because we don't hear about cross burnings and hatred that it ended with the death of Dr. Martin Luther King.

It is our fault for letting our Gov't be run by Haliburton Executives, and then complain that we have no jobs, (if you worked for those rapist you'd be in the money(wikipedia KBR))

It is our fault for letting our Gov't spend Billions on wars that keep us poor and Dick Cheney rich,

Instead of putting billions of dollars into educations so that we have soldiers who know not just how to shoot a gun but who develop the skills and knowledge to know when to shoot and how much restraint to use when the do, and are educated enough to know how to negotiate and compromise before getting in to the

"Who's Dick is bigger contest"
or WAR,

I haven't even decided if I'm voting yet, though I tell my self it is my duty to practice what I preach.

I think we must ask ourselves what kind of future do we want for our selves and our children and how can we best effect change?

The system may be decades from change, but Hey their is a black First lady any thing can happen.

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